Dianna La Grassa

14 September 2022

Dianna La Grassa is Bus Stop’s COO and in-house Producer. As an MBA graduate, she has over 10 years of experience in the education sector as well as being a NIDA trained actress and emerging Film Producer/Director. As a woman living with disability and understanding that the Arts and Entertainment industry can sometimes be a hard nut to crack. Through Bus Stop Films Dianna is able to fully utilise her skillset and give back to an industry she loves. With Invisible Heroes, Dianna supported students attending Accessible Film Studies Program in Wollongong and Parramatta to share their insight and work collaboratively to develop interview questions, direct scenes and explore the themes of the film. The project was made during the height of the pandemic so students attended classes online, learning together in a digital classroom before finally coming together in person to shoot their interviews. The film brings together lived experience of disability, documentary and animation through the lens of inclusive filmmaking.
