Tales in Light: AFF calling for help to uncover Adelaide's Forgotten Stories

Tales in Light is a project from Adelaide Film Festival shining a light, literally, on Adelaide’s forgotten people and events. South Australians are being invited to submit their hidden Adelaide stories, after which 20 will be selected for writers to research and develop. One of the stories will then be chosen to be turned into a light projection that runs during the Adelaide Film Festival from 19-30 October 2022.
All 20 finalist stories will also be available to read on the festival website.
“The history we learn is mostly focused on the powerful. But often, it’s everyday people and events who truly shaped the lives we live today. We know the people of Adelaide will have gems of stories that should take their place in the known history of our people and our city,” says Adelaide Film Festival CEO and Creative Director Mat Kesting.
Submitted stories can be from any time in the past, about any sort of person or event. A story might be something that was a big deal at the time but has slowly been forgotten, or a personal family story that only a few people know about.
Story submissions can be made here: www.adelaidefilmfestival.org/talesinlight
The Adelaide Film Festival is also working with Writers SA to find five writers for the Tales in Light project. They are searching for writers with a passion for local stories and a professional interest in developing skills to work on screen-based immersive projects.
Writers will be provided with a fee to research and outline five nominated stories. Writers are encouraged to come to the project with one idea for a story indicative of their areas of interest.
Expressions of interest to participate as a writer in Tales in Light can be made here: www.adelaidefilmfestival.org/talesinlight
Tales in Light brings together a unique set of collaborators from across the arts to work on presenting South Australian stories. The collaborators represent South Australian organisations and companies specialising in moving image and technological curation and production and writing specialists from writing to publications. The collaborators are the Adelaide Film Festival, Monkeystack, Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT), Writers SA, Wakefield Press and the State Library of South Australia.
Tales in Light is assisted through the South Australian Government through Arts South Australia. The Adelaide Film Festival is assisted through the Department for Innovation and Skills.