Meet Team AFF: Annabel Lines, Event Producer

What's your role at AFF?
Annabel Lines, Event Producer
What you enjoy about working at the Film Festival?
The films, the parties and the people. I love dressing up, so the festival provides the perfect excuse to do so!
What are your favourite film/s?
Tough question, here are a few of many favourites: The Nightingale, The Big Lebowski, Wild At Heart and Pulp Fiction.
What's a really underrated film you love that no one else likes/ knows about?
I’m not sure it is underrated, but it is hard to find: Tampopo, and The Singing Ringing Tree.
What's your go-to cinema snack and/ or drink?
A Choc Top really rounds off the cinema experience for me!
What's your favourite spot in Adelaide?
Adelaide Central Markets – I love how it smells and how you could be anywhere. It’s like it never changes but it’s always changing.