Sun Oct 29, 5:00 PM
Director: Jessica Hausner
Austria, France, Germany, Qatar, United Kingdom
110 minutes

Mia Wasikowska stars in a sickeningly good satirical thriller on behaviour control and the wellness industry.

Igniting passionate debate at Cannes, Club Zero is a provocative, darkly comic psychological thriller on eating disorders and cult mentality. Miss Novak (Mia Wasikowska) is the new nutrition teacher at an elite boarding school, and introduces a select group of students to her concept of “conscious eating.” She appeals to the socially and environmentally conscious group, whose members are subtly lured to form an extreme, secretive clique completely abstinent from food, and rejecting of their parents. Directed with impeccable design and a mannered, deadpan tone, Jessica Hausner has created an insightful parable on the nature of social and individual control.

“Supremely audacious and disturbing.” (Variety)

“Jessica Hausner’s mannered, deadpan film buries body horror inside a satirical facade, using smart ideas about disordered eating … to tell a story about grasping for transcendence in a frightening, confusing world.” (Vox)

Film Type Feature Fiction
Program Strand World Cinema
Language English
Director Jessica Hausner
Producer Bruno Wagner, Philippe Bober, Mike Goodridge, Johannes Schubert
Writer Jessica Hausner, Geraldine Bajard
Cinematographer Martin Gschlacht
Editor Karina Ressler
Cast Mia Wasikowska, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Amir El-Masry, Elsa Zylberstein
Genre Black Comedy, Cult, Satire, Social Issue, Teenager