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Curiouser & Curiouser

Curiouser & Curiouser

Ready to get weird? Dive into our Curiouser & Curiouser strand!

The ability of film to show the world not simply as it is, but as it might be when transformed by going down the rabbit hole of imagination—this is an impulse as old as the cinema itself.

Leave your kitchen sink realism in the kitchen and come out to celebrate the strange, the weird, the truly beee-zarre.

Maybe you want to marry a theme park ride, maybe you spend all day cleaning the toilet. Know that you’re not alone. Weirdos of the world, we have nothing to lose but our fish!


“The film’s ample horniness is always in the service of its heart” (IndieWire)

You want weird? We’ve got you covered. Jeanne (Noémie Merlant from Portrait of a Lady on Fire) falls in love with a giant tilt-a-
whirl. You want stranger still? The machine falls in love with her
too. But despite some steamy, or rather oily, sex, the path of true
love between woman and fairground attraction is rarely smooth. Spielberg meets Freud in this delirious film, and the moral? It doesn’t matter who you love, so long as you’re prepared to go all the way.

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I WeirDo

“Ironic and timely viewing in a global pandemic” (Variety)

At last, a film that dares to ask the question: can Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferers find true love together? In Taipei boy meets girl. They clean the house. They clean the house again. But there is a sting in the tail of this oddball romance. Lovers might be attracted to each other because they are alike, but what happens if they change? You learn to love your illness, but maybe you just need to learn to love. Shot on an iPhone, this engaging romcom is a timely take on love in the time of facemasks that has proved infectious, winning audience awards at Udine and Bucheon.

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King Of The Cruise

“not short on style, although crucially never at the cost of its humanity.” (The Film Stage)

Long, long ago in 2019 cruise ships plied the oceans. On such a ship, you may meet Ronnie Reisinger, who will tell you he is a Scottish baron. Given his American accent this seems improbable, but you meet the darnedest people. This doco initially seems a voyage into the grotesque, but Ronnie emerges as a figure of pathos, adrift on a sea of obesity. Sophie Dros demands great compassion, for what is compassion but the embrace of humanity in all its imperfection?

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Kill It And Leave This Town

“a vivid, monochromatically psychotropic bad trip.” (Variety)

Prepare yourself for an immersion in memory, dream and melancholy. On its Berlin premiere one critic noted “the anger behind it is so virulent that it sweeps the narrative along on a wave of rage and repulsion.” An artist watches his parents die in aged care, hiding in the memories of growing up in a 1970s industrial town, now decaying. 11 years in the making, veteran animator Wilczyński mines his deepest demons, brightened by a great soundtrack including old Polish Pop. This will make you re-think what is possible in animation.

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