Past Festivals

Adelaide Film Festival Youth Archive

Adelaide Film Festival Youth is the State’s premier program to directly engage South Australian students with the creative industries as learners, makers, creators, and as engaged viewers.
We acknowledge and thank our predecessor, Adelaide International Youth Film Festival, for laying a strong foundation for a successful AFF Youth Festival.

AFF Youth 2021

Originally included in AFF 2020, the inaugural AFF Youth event was re-scheduled as a stand-alone event in July of 2021. A week-long program of in-person screenings, workshops, virtual reality, and an exciting Creative Industries Expo was planned, but due to a COVID-19 lockdown was again postponed. The screening program was shifted to a brand new AFF Youth Online platform, streaming from 25 August – 8 September. The Creative Industries Expo and Industry Sessions were combined and held on 15 September, followed by a Red Carpet Gala on the evening of 16 September. Find out more about the rescheduled AFF Youth September event.
AFF Youth 2021 was developed and presented with the support of the Department for Education and SA Power Networks.

View the original AFF Youth 2021 Festival program: